Dockage Rates
- $1,550.00 per season [plus tax] – Float-Dock / Sing-Dock / Cant-Dock / House-Dock
To receive the Preferred Customer Benefit, plus any additional bonuses and no interest payment, we must have your commitment before October 10, 2024. A $500.00 deposit will reserve your dock for the 2025 season! All deposits must be guaranteed by credit card.
Dockage Includes:
- Restroom Facilities
- Community Picnic Areas
- Service Specials
- Dockage Payment Programs
Dockage Payment Options
- Credit card
- Monthly payments during winter storage months
- Personal checks accepted
All dockage fees for the 2025 season must be paid in full by April 1st, 2025. Any unpaid dockage fees will be applied to the credit card provided at the time of your deposit.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation fees will be applied based upon the following schedule for all cancellations of a dock lease. Deposits are refundable prior to Jan 1st 2025; Feb 50%
[No rebates will be paid until after March 1st, 2025]
Download Dockage Forms
- Existing Dockers Letter
- Boat Space Rental Agreement (must be signed and returned to Dusty’s Landing)
- Boat Space Waiting List Form (must be returned to Dusty’s Landing)